Global Network of Women's Shelters

The WAVE office is delighted to announce that the 2017 WAVE Conference will take place in Budapest, Hungary! Please mark your calendars for the 30th of October until 1st of November 2017! A draft agenda and the registration form with all details will be available soon! We are looking forward to seeing you there!


The 2017 Asian conference of Women’s Shelters has been held from August 28 – 30 in Paipei, Taiwan. The theme of the conference was: "Continental shifts in shelter management. Cross-regional dialogue on transforming women’s shelters".

Held in the context of a discussion on shelter transformation in Taiwan and other countries in Asia, experts from Europe and North America were invited. The event has brought together shelter heads, domestic violence professionals and community partners from over a dozen Asian countries and many more organizations. They shared innovative models of shelter management and combatting domestic violence – including the Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention and the Oranje Huis (Orange House) model from the Netherlands.

Videos of the Asian Shelter Conference are online now

[Solidarity Bracelet in support to ABAAD Emergency Safe Sheltering Program for Women & Girls Survivors of GBV In Lebanon]

Motto of the Conference: “Towards Coordinated Efforts for the promotion of safe sheltering services for women and girls survivors of GBV in the MENA region” held in Beirut, 6-9 July, 2017.

In partnership with Fondation de France, ABAAD hosted from 6 to 9 July in Beirut the regional working seminar entitled Towards coordinated efforts for the promotion of safe sheltering services for women and girls survivors of GBV in the Mena region.