Global Network of Women's Shelters

Join Us in Calling Upon Governments to Take Action

In November 2015 a collective body of over 1000 delegates from 115 countries at the 3rd World Conference of Women's Shelters adopted a Global Call for Action urging governments to take the needed actions to address and end violence against women and children.

At the end of the Call for Action burning issues in each different continent/network were addressed and read by the chairs of the GNWS-continental networks.


Julie Oberin from Oceania addresses the meeting

We encourage communities, women's shelters and shelter networks to adopt it and use it as a framework to support and demand what women and children need from your local, national and regional governments to be safe and free from violence and abuse. Here you can read the Call for Action issued at the 3rd World Conference of Women's Shelters held in 2015.